Get 10% off - Software  PayPal Money Adder 2024. Limited time offer.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work in my country?

Yes, our software works in all countries where PayPal is accepted.

Do I need to have my account verified?

No. You can have your account unverified.

Does it work with the currency of my country?

Yes, you can generate money with any type of currency that PayPal allows.

Do I need to pay additional for the server or for the VPN?

No, the payment for the software includes the price of the server and the VPN.

Should I use my main account to generate money?

You can use your main account or a newly created account. The software works with any type of account.

Will my information be shared or sold?

Customers trust us with their private and sensitive information. Living up to this trust by respecting and safeguarding our customers’ privacy is vital to us. We take great care to maintain the confidentiality of this information and use it only in the ways needed to complete our work.

What about withdrawals?

You can withdraw your funds without limits to your bank account or card. You can also use them directly to make the purchase in any online store where PayPal is accepted as a payment method.
The withdrawal process is easy and fast, it only takes 10 minutes to receive the funds in your bank account.

Can you lock my account with this software?

No, the software bypasses any PayPal security parameters. Your account will be totally safe with the use of our software.

Should I disable my antivirus or firewall?

No, the software will not have any conflict with the execution of the firewall or antivirus.

How much does the software cost?

You can see the prices here: Price Plans

What payment methods do you accept?

PayPal, Skrill, Perfect Money, AdvCash, Payeer, Neteller, CashApp, cards (only from some countries), payment with Gift Card (Amazon), Western Union / MoneyGram and all cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and many more are accepted. 

How does the software work?

You can see a demo video here: Cash Now

Do you have any proof of payment?

Yes. You can see some proof of payment here: Last Proof

What is the official support email?

Our official support email is: [email protected]

If you have questions not listed in our FAQ

faq paypal money adder 2023